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13 Tips for easy foreign trade, you must need it!

To put it simply, foreign trade is to use foreign languages ​​to discuss business with foreigners, reach consensus, make orders, deliver goods, and receive foreign exchange. However, in actual operation, doing a good job in foreign trade is a university question, and you must know certain skills to do it more smoothly. So, how can we do a good job in foreign trade?

1. Fully understand the product

You must have a good understanding of your products, including where your product quality is in the market, how competitive the price is, and which markets are suitable for it. Only by accurately positioning your products can you be targeted, improve efficiency, and reduce unnecessary Loss. At the same time, you must believe in your product and pass on this confidence to your customers. If you don’t have confidence in your product, your customers won’t have confidence in it either.

2. Understand the industry dynamics and the situation of competitors

The so-called know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Only by understanding the situation of competitors can we know what we know, and we can communicate with customers with ease. Only by understanding the dynamics of industry development can we better grasp the direction of product development and not lag behind others.

3. Looking for customers and cultivating customers

Can operate several major B2B platforms, and those who do business also need to know some skills to find customers online. The way to obtain orders starts with finding customers, and cultivating customers is more important than the immediate sales volume. If you stop adding new customers, the source of success in foreign trade business will be lost.

4. When you receive an inquiry, you must reply in time

When you receive inquiries from customers, you must reply in a timely manner. Even a reply in a popular format will let customers know your efficiency and respect for customers.

5. Learn to quote and give a professional impression

The quotation should not be too high or too low. If it is too high, it will scare away customers. If it is too low, it will make subsequent bargaining in a more embarrassing state. Therefore, the quotation price must be detailed and clear, so as to leave a professional impression on people.

6. Find ways to make customers remember you

The important rule of making a strong first impression is to help people feel important. Grab one or two small details to make customers remember you.

7. Pay attention to some communication skills and improve the ability to solve problems

It is inevitable to encounter problems of one kind or another at work. Don’t panic when encountering problems. First calm down the other party’s emotions, then think about how to solve them, and try to find a compromise solution to reduce the losses of both parties.

8. Improve negotiation skills

Before the negotiation, try to list all the solutions and know your bottom line. The most important thing in negotiation is to understand the opponent, pay attention to the attitude of the opponent, the needs of the opponent, and the problems of the opponent. Only by understanding the opponent can we better grasp the scale of the negotiation. There is no shortcut to improve the ability of negotiation, it can only be achieved through uninterrupted theoretical study and practical summary.

9. Improve the ability of analysis

Learn to judge true and false inquiries, and beware of phishing inquiries. In an email, if there is basically no mention of the relevant situation of the product, but only a general name of PRODUCTS, or prompting you to open a certain link to view product information, such inquiries are likely to be deceptive. And the inquiry below may be genuine.

(1) Ask for a quotation for a certain product, and at the same time specify the quantity, specification, packaging, delivery time, arrival port, and provide relevant certificates, etc.;

(2) Provide similar products that your company does not have, and ask if you can provide production. At the same time, the other party provides the required product specifications and other information;

(3) Provide products that your company can produce, and attach detailed product information such as pictures and target prices.

For valuable inquiries, you can extract customer information from the email content, check the customer’s background, and treat them differently. Don’t treat all inquiries in the same way, but be targeted and handle each inquiry just right.

The sense of business is essential, and we must learn to speculate on the psychology of customers’ purchases. We can find out in time what is the main reason why customers hesitate to place an order, and we can also make the right decision in time, because often at the most critical moment, a word, a small detail can change the whole situation.

10. Do effective tracking

Effective tracking is to track valuable customers, using mail, fax, telephone, and inviting them to visit the factory as a means, or reminding customers with some excuses, “force” them to place an order, so as to achieve the real purpose of receiving orders, but must Pay attention to the way and tone of speech, otherwise it will backfire.

11. Pay attention to adjusting your mentality

Many foreign trade salesmen are discouraged and doubt their abilities when they fail to receive orders for three to two months. To do foreign trade, you must be able to withstand failure and adjust your mentality in time. Doing business is not a matter of a day or two. Any trade can only happen after the two parties have a deep understanding. So you must have enough patience and confidence.

12. Keep learning and apply new knowledge to work

Read more books on economics and sales, pay attention to the daily news, and learn about the latest national and social news. If you have the conditions, you can receive some training to improve your ability.

13. Make timely summary

Cultivate the habit of making plans and summarizing. Review mistakes in daily work in a timely manner. Only by learning lessons from failures and correcting them in time can we move towards success step by step.

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