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5 tips for cycling trekking: The definitive guide to avoid problems while hiking

5 tips for cycling trekking

Cycling is a wonderful activity that offers many benefits, both physical and mental. Tones your muscles and burns excess  fat at the same time.

Cycling is an excellent cardio workout that also improves endurance and recovery capacity, plus it also helps reduce stress , as it allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature as you explore. 

There are different types of cycling activities : 

  • Road bike
  • mountain bikes 
  • hybrid bike

Depending on your fitness level, you can choose the one that suits you best. 

Buying the right bicycle is certainly a choice to be carefully evaluated, if we then get carried away by the trend of the moment, we risk throwing away our budget on an instrument that is not functional to our needs.

To avoid this, following the advice of a specialized bicycle portal can help us better define our needs and therefore make the right choice.

Whether you are new to this activity or have been practicing it for some time, here are some tips on how to start bike trekking .

The beauty of cycling trekking

Trekking is an ideal activity for people of all ages and fitness levels. You can choose the route based on your fitness level, travel companions and the time available. 

Trekking is a great way to explore new places and discover hidden gems off the beaten track. The bicycle allows you to cover long distances and visit places inaccessible with other means of transport. 

If you are on a budget, trekking is an affordable way to travel and explore new places. You can stay with the locals and eat in small local restaurants. Trekking has the advantage of being ecological. The carbon footprint is much smaller than traveling by car or plane. Trekking is also a great way to get exercise and enjoy nature.

Always wear a helmet

Researchers found that cyclists who didn’t wear helmets suffered twice as many head injuries as those who did. A helmet is the best way to prevent head injuries when riding a bicycle, especially to prevent head trauma as well . 

It is an essential element for all types of cycling, from amateur to competitive. The helmet offers excellent protection against head injuries, such as concussions and skull fractures. 

It is advisable to wear a helmet for both indoor and outdoor cycling. When cycling in the city, you need to pay attention to cars and other vehicles, but also to animals. 

So always remember to wear a helmet every time you ride, regardless of distance or destination. The helmet will protect you if you fall off your bike, which unfortunately happens sooner or later. 

Regularly check the bicycle and its parts

Before embarking on a long journey, you should check your tires to make sure they have sufficient tread and are in good condition. 

Be careful of nails or other objects that could get stuck. Also check the chain and chain guard to make sure they are in good condition. Dirt and dust can easily get into the chain guard, so you need to clean it regularly. 

If the chain and sprockets are too loose, they can fall out and cause you to lose momentum when pedalling. Likewise, if the chain and sprockets are too tight, the chain stops moving. 

Also don’t forget to check the brakes regularly to see if the pressure is sufficient. You should also check that all spokes are intact. Before setting off on a long journey, it is advisable to take your bicycle to a local mechanic to have it check the chain, brakes and other parts. This way you can be sure that your bike is in good working order.

Dress to be comfortable and confident

When you bike trekking , you must dress in a way that makes your trip more comfortable. Wear specific and comfortable clothes that do not restrict your movements.

You will pass through farms, forests, villages and cities, so you have to be careful what you wear. Avoid wearing flamboyant and flashy clothes. Keep valuables hidden in a security belt or concealed fanny pack. If cycling during the monsoon season, be sure to wear rain gear , such as waterproof jackets and pants . If you cycle at night, make sure you wear bright or reflective clothing , so that you are easily seen by other road users.

Bring the necessary material with you

It is advisable to bring the necessary material with you to keep yourself healthy and safe during the trip.

 First, you need to have a first aid kit that includes plasters, painkillers and antiseptics. It is also advisable to carry some glucose or energy bars in case you are hungry and there is no food nearby. Always keep a bottle of water with you. It’s important to stay hydrated while traveling.

It is also advisable to carry a flashlight in case you ride at night. It’s better to be overprepared than underprepared.

Remain alert and aware of your surroundings

Cyclists are more vulnerable than other road users; therefore, it is important to remain alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. 

Before starting the trip, inform your family about your trip and the places you will visit, as trekking alone can be dangerous and in most cases, the family knows where you are in case of an emergency. It is also advisable to take note of the itinerary that you will follow. 

Avoid using headphones while cycling, because you need to be fully aware of your surroundings. In this regard, it never hurts to keep in mind the laws on the circulation of bicycles .


Bike trekking is an excellent way to explore nature, visit new places and keep fit. It is important to follow the advice above to avoid problems during the trip. When you are properly prepared, it is much easier to enjoy this great activity.

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