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Business ideas 2023 / 2024

Below is a constantly updated list with new business ideas . Discover the most profitable and innovative ones that are now appearing on the market, the solid ones that are always highly requested by the market, and still those that are currently on the crest of the wave.

  1. Self Service Supermarkets
    In today’s market, automated, self-service, unmanned, 24/7 and robotic activities are gaining ground. Today these businesses have surpassed the classic vending machines to arrive at innovative activities such as robotic restaurants and hotels and automated shops and supermarkets, without cashiers or cashiers, self-service, for which you pay automatically via APP and other digital methods.
    Discover the best franchises in the Automatic Shops sector .
  2. Digitization
    Activities in the field of digitization are increasingly successful and are increasingly needed by Italian companies. Among the various services offered are digital marketing, software development, customized APPs and e-commerce websites, as well as social media management.
    Discover the best franchises in the Digital sector .

  3. Energy Consulting
    In today’s market, energy consulting is a highly profitable business idea in line with market demands. Particularly profitable business ideas are activities aimed at saving and energy efficiency, as well as focused on clean and renewable energies, with consultancy and services aimed at companies, but also at individuals and institutions. Discover the best franchises in the Energy sector .
  4. Local Marketplace
    E-commerce is now a tool usually used by an increasingly large target of people for both daily and special purchases. To date, an interesting business idea for starting an independent business in the sector is to open an APP or an e-commerce website that acts as a local marketplace. In addition to acting as an aggregator for affiliated local businesses, enhancing the local area, it offers e-commerce services, delivery, reservations, promotions and reserved discounts, targeted marketing and loyalty-building activities. Discover the best franchises in the E-Commerce sector .

  5. Specialized restaurant
    In today’s restaurant world, new trends and new fashions are constantly emerging, sometimes with the importation of foreign food/drink products, other times by rediscovering and bringing back the typical products of the very rich Italian and regional culinary and food and wine culture. An interesting entrepreneurial and business idea is therefore to invest in the restaurant sector with an original, innovative, or simply still new product for the local market to which it refers. An example are the specialized restaurants of success in recent years such as the pinserie (Roman pinsa), the focaccerie, the pokerie, the gnoccherie, the ginerie, the places specializing in arrosticini, in Neapolitan pastries / puff pastry, or even in bubble drinks or frappuccini flavored. Discover the best franchises in the industryCatering .

  6. CBD supplements
    The cannabis sector is one of those that has shown the highest and most solid growth trends in Italy in recent years, even during the pandemic period. An innovative activity, as well as an interesting business idea to enter the world of legal cannabis, is to open a business for the sale of CBD-based supplements (tablets, capsules, concentrated oils, etc.) aimed at maximizing well-being , the beauty and health of people, and also of animals. Discover the best franchises in the Cannabis sector .
  7. Virtual Reality
    Virtual reality, also known simply as VR (Virtual Reality), is a dynamic and constantly evolving market. To date, virtual reality has numerous fields of application ranging from scientific research to medical fields, passing through the videogames and entertainment sector. Investing in the virtual reality sector is a good business idea for the future and there are many possible businesses in which to enter, also thanks to affiliation with one of the franchises already active in the sector (producers of VR viewers, VR arcades, virtual tours in the real estate / tourism field, and so on). Discover the best franchises in the Virtual Reality sector .
  8. Robotic Catering Activities
    The robotics sector is constantly evolving and represents one of the most interesting fields in which to invest for the future. Among the innovations of recent years in the field of robotics applied to entrepreneurial and commercial activities, especially in foreign markets, we have witnessed the birth of restaurant activities entirely managed by robots (whether they are humanoids or “simple” mechanical arms). In these catering businesses (whether they are pizzerias or cafes) everything is entrusted to robots: from preparation to payment and customer service.
  9. Agenzia Multiservizi
    It is an activity that can be opened in a room even of small sizes and with a PC together with a basic set-up it is possible to provide a large number of essential services for the vast majority of the population such as: payment of bills, payment of vehicle stamps , postal services, shipping services, telephone top-ups, prepaid cards, Pay TV, Amazon, registration requests, parcel collection, purchase of travel packages, utility and volture contracts, transport and event ticketing. Look at the networks that allow you to open multiservice centers .
  10. Working from home with Dropshipping
    Open an online store without the need to have a warehouse and purchase the goods. Read what dropshipping is and the supplier companies that offer it.

  11. Call Center for managing appointments
    This is not the classic call center aimed at the sale or promotion of products and services, but a new and modern call center format focused solely on the management and organization of the agenda of professionals and companies clients. The work can also be done 100% in smart working and the operators will only be responsible for managing and making appointments on behalf of customers. Call Centers.
  12. Selling Cannabis light in Dropshipping
    A still young and constantly evolving market that allows those who are ambitious to carve out some of their own space. If you are passionate about it and you have a minimum of familiarity with computers, it could be your way. Dropshipping.
  13. Opening a Pokeria
    For on-site consumption and for delivery, it is certainly an activity to consider given the success that the Poké Bowl is enjoying. Franchise poker.
  14. Funeral Home for humans or animals
    Invest in the one sure thing! Perhaps a bit macabre as a profession, but then, death is part of life. It’s a market that will certainly have some fluctuations, but given how quickly the world changes, it remains a long-lasting sector. In addition, with the new trend of giving a proper burial to our pets, the sector has increased its potential. Funeral honors.
  15. Analysis and sampling center
    Private analysis and sampling centersare now a consolidated reality in Italy, increasing in recent years also thanks to the birth of franchise formats in the sector.
    The private analysis and sampling centers guarantee performance and services of a quality that is completely similar, if not superior, to the same provided by public structures. Since these are private structures, there is generally a higher quality and speed of services, as well as highly competitive prices which generally do not differ significantly from those presented by public structures. Analysis and Sampling Laboratories.
  16. Ghost and Dark kitchen
    Sometimes the shop window on the street is not necessary if you have a good shop window on the web. Open your restaurant business with only takeaway or delivery service. Ghost Kitchen01/09/2020

  17. Social patrols
    It is an initiative born in Puglia where groups of volunteers carry out monitoring of the city by crossing it by motorbike or on foot. Their service can be defined as: a reassuring presence on the city streets, obviously in full compliance with the law. This is not about police activity or “patrols”. The volunteers in question promote public spirit and respect for the environment. They have no sanctioning powers but can only report to the Police any illegal episodes whatever they are. This has been very successful and given that this need is felt in many Italian cities, new groups are being created almost everywhere. Obviously, to respond to growing requests, some groups are organizing themselves as real franchise networks.
  18. Expand living spaces
    In France there are agencies specialized in the expansion of living spaces, whether this requires a building intervention or a simple but ingenious furnishing solution to make the most of the available space and therefore increase the usable surface. Go to the Construction section . 12/20/2018
  19. Rental of sexy silicone dolls
    It could be the dawn of a new sector with very interesting implications for those who want to do business. We had already talked about the Bordolls, or brothels with sexy dolls. This format, on the other hand, is different and changes the cards a bit with an extra service. The customer can call or go to the affiliated renter’s website, choose the doll he prefers and receive it at the time he prefers, anonymously, to “spend time with her”. In a not too distant future when artificial intelligence and robotics will be more sophisticated, perhaps they will move and talk; for now they are certainly beautiful to look at and the demand is high. To see the companies that allow you to open a rental of Sexy Dolls, visit theSexy
  20. Long-term car rental
    Car manufacturers always have only one need: to sell cars and ensure that the turnover is very high. New models come out all the time and the public closely follows the new releases, but since most people can’t afford to change cars every 1 or 2 years, long-term rental agencies have sprung up. These allow their customers to rent the vehicle for a variable duration (in any case medium-long) so that at the end the customer will return the car and be able to rent a new latest model.
    Look at the formats in theCars and Motorcycles.
  21. Selling small tools and consumables for dentists
    Certainly wealthy buyers who will have no problems buying equipment for their business, the important thing is knowing how to sell. Dental.
  22. Assistant in judicial real estate auctions
    Agencies born a few years ago but which in recent months are having enormous success. The sector has matured and the public has begun to learn more about the advantages of real estate auctions and to participate in them with the help of a consultant who knows how to move to win a valid property at the right price.
    Look at the formats in theReal Estate Agencies
  23. Open a room of Rage or Rage Room
    A room where those who want to let off steam can do it until they drop. Filled with objects that can be destroyed with a sledgehammer or crowbar, the rage room is the place where the customer can vent his anger without brakes but in safety. Before entering, protections are worn, the weapon of destruction is chosen and action is taken. An original business idea with certainly low start-up costs.

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