

Experts told which berries are the most useful   RUSSIA PHOTO : Mir 24 / Tatyana Konstantinova   Experts said that the most useful berries are lingonberries and blueberries. This is due to the fact that no harmful chemical fertilizers are used in their cultivation, RIA Novosti reports . “Berries that are poorly cultivated are more beneficial. For example, strawberries are now mass-produced and their quality...

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10 easy ways to eat healthy and cheap

Availability of time and money is often an obstacle to buying and preparing healthy meals. It doesn't have to be this way! As you probably know, ready meals are not worth buying, as they often have low nutritional value, not to mention that they usually cost more than if you cooked the same food yourself at home. The ideal...

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Vitamin A (retinol): for healthy skin

Do you want better skin? Do you want to prevent the deterioration of your vision? Tired of split hair and ugly nails? You should eat more foods that contain vitamin A! Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin found in nature in animal (retinol) and plant (carotenoid) sources. Retinol occurs in fish, liver, heart, kidney, eggs, milk and butter, and is completely absorbed in this...

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Basic principles of healthy nutrition and diet

Before moving on, let's look at a few important principles: Always strive for a healthy diet by selecting appropriate and balanced foods. All foods can be part of a balanced, healthy diet. Eat foods that give you energy. Limit the consumption of bread, pasta, potatoes and sweets, and cover the majority of the carbohydrate intake from the consumption of fruits and other nutrients...

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Difficulty climbing stairs

Many elderly people have difficulty climbing the stairs. This is usually related to reduced mobility. Because the muscles often have less strength and the joints have become stiffer over the years, it is more difficult to climb the stairs. Descending the stairs can also become more difficult. This is very annoying, because it certainly affects your freedom of movement in the house....

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Exercise for the elderly

We all want to grow old, but not feel old. To have the best chance of aging healthily and with a lot of energy, it is advisable to exercise sufficiently. Yet many people over 65 do not meet these exercise guidelines. Only 40.3% gets enough exercise, according to research by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). But why is exercise so healthy for the elderly? And...

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We reevaluate how we spend our days to find happiness We've been socially distancing for a year now, wearing masks, staying home, and all of our meetings are via Zoom. Despite our best efforts and best intentions, most of us are struggling with pandemic fatigue. We are bored and find ourselves doing the same things over and over again without...

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10 Tips to lead a Healthy Life

The new year has begun and with it come new resolutions: do more sport, lose weight, eat better, quit smoking... etc. To achieve these new purposes it is not necessary to lead an extremely organized life between work, the gym and the kitchen, and it is even impossible to have a healthy diet for those who do not...

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10 keys to follow to Maintain Good Health

1. Take care of your diet Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, introduce fiber into your diet to improve intestinal transit, among many other benefits. Limit the consumption of sugars and salt in your diet, according to the WHO , reducing the consumption of sugars in our diet by only 5% would have benefits for our health. Get fond...

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