
12 Fun and Surprising SmartPhone Facts

Some people consider smartphones to be the first step in integrating technology into our own bodies. As an extension of our brains and our senses, smartphones give us extra knowledge, extra memory, and even extra vision. Or have you never used them to search for information on the Internet, to consult notes, to translate some text or to take pictures? Smartphones...

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Cybersecurity Tips for Cell Phones

Keeping the data of your staff and your Company protected requires a change of perspective on cell phones. Although any device connected to the Internet is vulnerable to a cyberattack , it is important to take steps to reduce risk and increase responsiveness . Consider training your collaborators and collaborators in the following protocols: Implement locks Using strong passwords and biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial) can...

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7 Areas of Technology in which you can Invest

Technological changes and innovations are overcome day by day, so considering the most relevant tools to grow your business is not an easy task. That is why we leave you here the 7 trends that you will hear about in terms of innovation:. Design Thinking: Solving problems creatively (based on the creation process used by designers) has different...

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