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Coke is killing 200 brands: Here’s the list of canceled products announced so far

What is coca cola getting rid of When you think of Coca-Cola, your mind probably immediately goes to the company’s biggest brands: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, and Tab. However, the company actually has more than 500 brands worldwide. The bad news, if you’re a Coke fan, is Coca-Cola is taking a machete to its brand lineup and severing 200 brands from its portfolio by the end of the year.

The news came on Coca-Cola’s most recent financial call on Thursday. As CNN Business reports, on the call, Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey confirmed the culling of 200 brands. Quincey said the 200 brands that are getting the ax have already been decided, yet he did not provide a list of which brands those were. However, some online publications have cobbled together small portions of the cull list. The brands on the chopping block, HITC reports, include:
  • Tab
  • Zico coconut water
  • Odwalla
  • Coca-Cola Life
  • Diet Coke Feisty Cherry
  • North Neck Ginger Ale
  • Delaware Punch

Of those brands, Tab is probably the most popular. Other brands reported to be going, per The Wall Street Journal, include:

  • Sprite Lymonade
  • Mendota Springs seltzer

But that leaves hundreds more on the chopping block. Could your favorite go? If it’s one of Coca-Cola’s more niche products, it’s got about a 40% chance of being cut. While Quincey didn’t name specifics, on the Thursday call he did say brands in the “hydration” category, including Dasani, Powerade, Vitamin Water, and Zico will see more cuts. As CNN notes, the company is axing such a large number of brands in order to focus on the most profitable remaining ones.

Update: When contacted, a Coca-Cola spokesperson said the company has not released a list of all culled brands yet and referred us to the following comment chairman and CEO, James Quincey, made on the call on Thursday:

Firstly, we set out to position our portfolio for success, focusing on scaled growth through targeted resource allocation and optimization. Over the past few months, a cross-functional team has worked to identify the right brands for growth portfolio that will drive quality leadership and help us achieve our Beverages for Life ambitions. We have finalized the master brands in this growth portfolio, which consist of about 200 global, regional and local brands that will allow us to remain truly consumer-centric, focusing on those brands that can be scaled to drive profits for the long-term. For the brands that were not selected, we have begun to work with our bottlers to quickly sunset or thoughtfully transition them to one of the growth brands over the next year.

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