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Difficulty climbing stairs

Difficulty in climbing satires

Many elderly people have difficulty climbing the stairs. This is usually related to reduced mobility. Because the muscles often have less strength and the joints have become stiffer over the years, it is more difficult to climb the stairs. Descending the stairs can also become more difficult. This is very annoying, because it certainly affects your freedom of movement in the house.

What are the causes?

As you get older, you are more likely to have difficulty climbing stairs. First, the muscles have less strength. This means that it is more difficult to lift the leg and then put the leg on the step. In addition, the joints become somewhat stiffer as you get older. This means that it becomes more difficult to bend the knees. Because the knees play a major role in ascending and descending the stairs, you may experience difficulty climbing stairs.

Improve stair climbing

It is difficult to avoid having difficulty climbing stairs. The causes of your reduced mobility are physical and are part of getting older. However, you can improve your mobility by keeping moving and taking good care of yourself. You can do this by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy and varied diet and keeping moving. Fit seniors have less difficulty climbing stairs than seniors who are less fit.

Exercises for reduced mobility

There are several exercises you can do to maintain and improve your mobility. Doing these exercises regularly will also make climbing stairs a little easier. Firstly, we advise you to walk and/or cycle regularly. By walking and/or cycling, you keep the body strong and flexible. You will certainly benefit from this if you have to walk up or down the stairs.

We also advise you to do various balancing exercises. If your balance is better, your mobility will also improve. And because you often stand on one leg when you walk up or down the stairs, good balance is very important. You can do these exercises under the professional guidance of a physiotherapist. This is especially wise if you have little balance. If you perform the exercises without supervision, you may fall.

Buy a stairlift

Are you no longer able to walk up and/or down the stairs independently or are you afraid that you will fall down the stairs if you do? Then you can choose to purchase a stairlift. By having a stairlift installed on your stairs, you can go up and down the stairs completely independently and without any risks. Especially if you have to go up and down the stairs every day and can no longer do this safely without help, purchasing a stairlift is a good choice. You no longer have to make an effort to go up or down and you can also avoid dangerous accidents.

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