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Electric car: what will change in 2023

Electric car:

Whether it’s the first or the tenth, buying a car is not decided lightly. It is even one of those that the Pulsers involved in the co-ideation platform EDF Pulse & You have designated as “a moment of life” . And in those moments, a little help is sometimes welcome. If you’ve decided to go electric in 2023, here are a few things to note.

While the market automotive is in difficulty — down in 2022 by almost 8% compared to 2021 — the electric car is doing well. Even if we are far from what is happening in Norway, for example — where 80% of new vehicles sold in 2022 were electric — it reached a record market share. With more than one in ten registrations for a 100% electric car. And specialists expect historic growth for 2023.

Firstly because, as the President of the Republic announced at the Motor Show, the ecological bonus for the purchase of an electric car has increased, on January 1 ,  2023, from 6 000 to 7000 euros. At least for the most modest households, “half of the French” . And provided that the price of the vehicle remains below 47,000 euros. These same households will also be able to benefit from an electric car rental at 100 euros per month from the second half of this year. This is one of the nudges you can debate on the EDF Pulse & You co-ideation platform right now. Aid that could encourage some to switch to electric mobility.

Note that, on the other hand, the ecological bonus decreases for “wealthier” households , from 6,000 to 5,000 euros. They also lose the benefit of the conversion bonus . While for the most modest, swapping their thermal vehicle for an electric car will now be rewarded not more than 5,000, but 6,000 euros. For those in an intermediate bracket, the conversion bonus becomes a function of the distance traveled each year with this vehicle for professional reasons. Between 2,500 and 6,000 euros.

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