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Everyone’s life is hidden in their own cognition

The biggest prison in the world is the human mind.

Whether a person is happy or not in life is the biggest cause and effect in itself. If you sow melons, you will reap melons. If you sow beans, you will reap beans. What kind of life we ​​will live in this life is inextricably linked to our cognition .

Everyone has to pay for their behavior. How much have you discovered about the laws of life and how much do you know about your situation? People say that character determines destiny. To a large extent, it affects the ups and downs of a person’s fate.

Destiny is in your own hands, how many chances you have to come back depends on how many chips you have saved for yourself. Life is fair to everyone. What kind of life you want to live depends entirely on your choices. The weak are accustomed to relying on it, while the strong grow independently.

Everyone’s life is hidden in their cognition.

Some people can handle things in life, while others are afraid of them. Different attitudes will naturally shape completely different lives.

Even in the face of the same thing, different cognitive methods and thinking differences often bury different things at the beginning of decision-making.

Sometimes if we can go a little deeper into one thing, we may choose a completely different way of life in our lives.

In recent years, things about unfinished buildings have long been common. The reason why many people encounter such a situation, when you analyze it carefully, you will also find that for many buyers, there are often many defects in themselves, which lead to the final the result of.

Especially when buying a property, there is often little knowledge of the law itself, especially without a pre-sale permit. Buying a property is the biggest risk, but for many buyers, they often do not If you don’t understand this, it is expected that the tragedy of life will be caused.

In life, people are often used to drawing a prison in the one-acre-three-point land they are familiar with, so once there is something beyond the scope of their own cognition, invisible risks will arise as the times require.

Life depends not so much on who we meet and what kind of life we ​​encounter, but on who we are and what kind of life we ​​run.

In our whole life, only if a person puts more thought and energy into studying the issue of himself, maybe our life will have more ways out.

“You don’t know you, so you are you; when you know you, you are not you.”

The biggest law of this world is uncertainty. There are always many unpredictable factors in our life, and all kinds of unimaginable things happen every day. If you don’t have more reserves in your mind, in If you can’t know yourself and the enemy in your own life, how can you win this battle in life?

I once read this sentence, which is quite vigilant: “The greatest tragedy in a person’s life is premature cognitive closure.”

This era requires us to have the mentality of lifelong learning. This era requires us to live cautiously and low-key.

Everyone’s life is neither as good nor as bad as people imagine. It depends on how you live. When dealing with life, you should neither have too many illusions nor completely lose hope.

famous Japanese entrepreneursKazuo InamoriHe once said: “A person’s whole life is the product of thinking in his own head.”

After struggling all the way in life, I gradually found that in my life, I can only better improve my cognitive level, let myself know more about the world, and know more about the laws of human nature. Maybe there will be more security and comfort in your life.

Just like we saw this sentence in a book: “Every penny you earn comes from your cognition; every penny you lose comes from your cognition. I made a mistake; even if I get wealth beyond my cognition due to some elements of luck, it will be wasted because of my cognition level one day in the future.”

Life cannot be smooth sailing, everyone will have their own ups and downs. Don’t just look at the appearance when things happen, but spend more time exploring the essence of things. Don’t make rash decisions, and speculate more about the consequences behind your choices. Maintain a high degree of sensitivity, refine your mind through experience, and use the environment to cultivate your mind, and your life will get better and better.

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