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How to behave after a small accident during sport

accident during sport

Active life also brings with it an increased risk of suffering minor accidents. A long walk in the mountains can cause contractures and pain in the muscles, just as during a bike ride it can happen to fall and get a simple sprain.

Many tend to minimize these small problems, using a common anti-inflammatory in the hope that the pain will pass quickly. However, it is important not to underestimate these small accidents, especially if they occur on a recurring basis.

When to go to a professional

There are various situations in which after a day outdoors you feel pain in some areas of the body . In some cases it is simple fatigue, in others the small disturbances can reveal more complex problems, not necessarily serious.

If the pain lasts a long time or if it recurs periodically in the same place, it is important not to minimize it and contact a specialist. The orthopedist or physiatrist can recommend some diagnostic tests that allow us to evaluate the problem and reveal the presence of pathologies or disorders of various kinds.

In various cases, undergoing a decontracting physiotherapy massage is the best solution, which allows you to quickly dissolve muscle contractures and with great benefits for the whole body.

We remind you that physiotherapy treatments are undertaken after having obtained a diagnosis, or specific diagnostic tests. In this way the physiotherapist can do his job in the best possible way, avoiding gross errors.

Because you feel pain

The reasons why after physical activity you feel pain in a specific area of ​​the body can be various. Also because some pains occur only after a short rest , or even one or more days after physical activity. To give a practical example, tendonitis tends to manifest itself only when the tendon is “cold”, therefore after having rested; in various cases, those who suffer from it declare that the pain disappears completely after a few minutes of activity.

In cases like this, however, it is important to consult a doctor, as neglected tendonitis can lead to more serious problems. You may feel pain because of excessive effort, or even after a trauma or a minor accident. Even in these cases it may happen that the subject does not realize the trauma until several hours after the incident. The pain can also be related to postural problems , which cause the spine to be misaligned, resulting in joint pain.


After a day of intense sport you feel good, in harmony with the universe, tired but happy. After a few hours, or even the next day, you begin to feel soreness that affects some specific muscle bundles. In some cases you don’t have to worry, it’s simply DOMS, Delayed Muscle Onset Soarness .

This type of pain occurs between 24 and 72 hours after physical activity and can be very intense; DOMS can last even a few days. It is not yet certain what are the reasons why DOMS develop, but it is true that a decontracting massage or repeated hot baths can make them end more quickly.

However, those who are dedicated to bodybuilding know that feeling DOMS means that they are working well to increase the volume of muscles.

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