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Is Russia giving Ukraine a headache? This meme says yes

Ukraine headache meme The popular headache meme on social media has moved to the international-diplomacy space.

On Tuesday, Ukraine tweeted the graphic that delineates a trio of well-known headache types—migraine, hypertension, and stress, each highlighting the corresponding pain in a different area of the brain—and then punchlines with a picture of a head that’s completely red. Its fourth panel is captioned, “Living next to Russia.”

The snarky social-media move—more “kiss off” than “Kissinger”—is the latest salvo in a very real, very physical conflict between the two countries.

Russia has an estimated 100,000 troops at the border with Ukraine. The smaller of the two former Soviet countries, along with much of the Western world, fears Russia will invade.

Russia shot back this morning, responding with only the all-red head, captioned, “Diagnosis: RWH. Disclaimer: Russia’s Crimean wines cause no RWH” with a wineglass and a wine bottle emoji.” At the top was this message, “Dear @Ukraine , the red wine headache aka #RWH has you confused. Choose your wines carefully, order from Flag of Russia @Russia ‘s Crimea.”

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