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Little Cayman: A Nature Lover’s Paradise and Island Living at Its Finest

Little Cayman is the smallest, least developed, and least populous of the three Cayman Islands. Here, island living and natural beauty are on full display. Little Cayman didn’t even get electric service until 1990!

Ten miles long, a mile wide, and home to fewer than 200 permanent residents, Little Cayman truly is a paradise on earth.

If you’re planning a visit, make sure you don’t overlook some of these top sights and attractions.

Things to Do on Little Cayman

Little Cayman may be small in size, but it is big in natural beauty. While you’re here, make sure you don’t miss:

  • Owen Island: Owen Island is a small, uninhabited island just to the southwest of Little Cayman, accessible only by water. Take a short sail or kayak trip across the waves and unwind or plan a picnic on its pristine sands.
  • Bloody Bay Wall: Little Cayman is renowned for its dive sites and unspoiled coral reefs, but Bloody Bay Wall may take the cake. A part of an undersea range, Bloody Bay Wall itself lies just off the northwest shore of Little Cayman and drops down over 2000m to the seafloor. It is one of the islands’ most spectacular dive sites and is rich in sea life including but not limited to corals, sponges, grouper, triggerfish, reef sharks. and barracuda. Other popular dive sites include Three Fathom Wall, Randy’s Gazebo, and Marilyn’s Cut.
  • Booby Pond Nature Reserve: Booby Pond Nature Reserve is a land-locked, mangrove-fringed, saltwater lagoon that in and of itself is a pleasant sight; but it is also home to the western hemisphere’s largest breeding population of red-footed boobies. These aren’t the only wildlife in the area, though. You can also expect to catch a glimpse of a magnificent frigatebird or a rock iguana.
  • Tarpon Lake: Tarpon Lake, like Booby Pond Nature Reserve, is another land-locked salt lake. This one, however, is home to numerous baby tarpon and is a prime spot for fly anglers. Pack your 8 or 9wt and some streamers; the fishing is excellent.
  • Salt Rock Nature Trail: Salt Rock Nature Trail, a short trail at the western end of Little Cayman, offers a moderate challenge to anyone with a bit of grit and a good pair of hiking shoes. The area offers a great opportunity to catch a glimpse of tropical flora and fauna, such as orchids, bromeliads, butterflies, and iguanas.
  • Sink Holes Viewing Area: Much of Little Cayman is composed of karstic limestones, which naturally form sinkholes over time. At the east of the island there is a sinkhole viewing area which provides a magnificent view of some of these natural features.
  • Westerly Ponds: Back over at the western end of Little Cayman lie the Westerly Ponds, which offer not only some peace and quiet but a chance to catch a sight of some of the area’s native waterfowl and wading birds.
  • Little Cayman Museum: Not a natural wonder, but it offers a rich display of local culture and preserves artifacts, documents, and published materials that capture the history of Little Cayman. You can learn more about Little Cayman Museum via the previous link.

Make It Home: Investigate Cayman Islands Homes for Sale

Once you see what Little Cayman has to offer, you may feel as though you never want to leave.

With the help of a Cayman real estate agent that can show you what Cayman Islands homes for sale are in the area, that’s definitely a possibility.

Check out Crighton Properties online at and get in touch with them at 345-949-5250. A member of CIREBA with years of experience, they can help you make your dream of homeownership on Little Cayman a reality.

For More Information about Cayman Real Estate and Properties For Sale In Rum Point Please Visit: Crighton Properties Ltd.

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