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The 5 Best ways to Earn Money Playing Video Games

Video games have evolved more and more over the years, to such an extent that it is now possible to earn money while having fun playing them. However, this is not an easy job and there are many people who give up halfway.

Video game

But if you are willing to dedicate yourself to what you love at the highest levels, we recommend you read this article until the end. And it is that, this time we have prepared for you a simple guide with 5 ways in which you can earn money playing video games. Let us begin!

Create guides and walkthroughs for popular video games

Beginners love to refer to guides, especially for player versus player (PvP) multiplayer games. You can try various avenues, such as creating a website for written guides, uploading tutorials on YouTube, or publishing e-books. The first two options are often monetized with ads or donations, while an ebook generates income through sales.

However, to earn any kind of money, you need to create guides for popular games, but keep in mind that the more popular the game, the more competition you will have. So you should try to offer solutions to problems that no one else has cared about. Besides that, you will need writing skills, since the guides must be dense and complete, but also entertaining and understandable.

Have you thought about having a podcast or a YouTube channel?

If you think you have enough knowledge, you can try to create a daily, weekly or monthly schedule related to the trending games. It could be an opinion-based panel discussion, a series of interviews with high-profile players, tips and tricks for a specific game, or anything else that’s interesting.

Podcasts and YouTube videos can be monetized with ads and sponsorships, but this format can also be supported through Patreon subscriptions. To be successful you will need to build a sizable audience before you start seeing revenue. Your show must be compelling so that people want to watch it. If it’s boring, superficial, has shoddy production, or is inconsistent, it’s bound to fail. For this, you may want to check out the best Podcast apps for iOS and Android.

You can also earn money by testing games

Games go through various phases of development before they are released and before they are ready, developers need outsiders to test their games from another perspective. As a tester, your job is to review anything the developer thinks may have details, including finding and documenting bugs and other issues.

This can be a daunting job, as you will have to play certain titles over and over again, which will get boring quickly. Especially if you have to keep checking the same places in the game after every check. The salary in these cases is not very good, but it is good to start in this world.

Sell ​​your account or attractive elements of some games

If you have spent enough time in a game, you may be able to sell your account or in-game items to other players. While you won’t make a lot of money using this technique, you might get enough to cover your next purchase.

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You can also sell accounts on different platforms, as in some games you need to reach a certain level in order to play more competitive matches and someone might pay you to rank up their account if you are more skilled. This form of income requires a little less dedication than those mentioned above, but it is still an excellent option.

If nothing works for you, win a tournament and get sponsors

Tournaments are commonplace for PvP games, and of course, the more popular the game, the bigger the prize pools become. If you are skilled enough to join an eSports organization, you may be able to earn a good income through winnings and sponsorships. And if you are a big gamer, you can take advantage of live streams to earn additional income.

Of course, you should know that not everyone has what it takes to win. You can be a world-class player, but still get knocked out early in a tournament and walk out with no profit. Even if you earn some money, you may not be able to cover the cost of accommodation and flights. In other words, if you don’t stay on top, forget about living off the profits.

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