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Web programmer: pros and cons of the profession, salary

The role of computers, mobile devices, various information systems and networks is constantly growing. And as in the life of each individual, and of any company. Demand for the programming profession  is similarly changing. This result is quite natural, since it is these specialists who ensure the effective operation of the software necessary for the operation of any computer, smartphone, corporate information system or the Internet as a whole. It is important to note that this trend will definitely not change in the near future, which will lead to a further increase in the popularity of the profession of a programmer.

job responsibilities

The main function of the programmer is extremely simple and clear. It consists of guaranteeing the proper functioning of the software installed on the computers and mobile devices of the company’s employees. Another area of ​​professional activity is writing new programs.

Despite the simplicity of describing the job responsibilities of a specialist, his professional activities can be very diverse. The specific list of work performed is determined by many factors, such as the specific characteristics of the company or the characteristics of the computer equipment used. That is why the programmer occupies different positions, the most popular today are the following:

  • support staff;
  • System administrator;
  • mobile application developer;
  • information database operator;
  • tester of various software, etc.

Pros of the profession

The first key advantage of the profession mentioned above is the demand for programmers, which will only increase. The second significant advantage is the possibility of official employment after receiving specialized secondary education. This approach to building a career is becoming increasingly popular. The reasons for this development lie in several important benefits of deciding to go to college after the ninth or eleventh grade. These include:

  • the availability of admission to secondary school, which does not provide for passing the exam;
  • early start of work in the specialty – in the region of 18-19 years;
  • the opportunity to combine higher education and professional activities in the future;

The advantages of the profession in question do not end there. Among the most obvious and relevant today, there are a few more:

  • Free working hours . If the equipment works correctly, it is not necessary to be in the office. The same applies to the work of a software developer, since it is the final product that is required of him, and not the hours worked.
  • High profit payout . The domestic IT industry is one of the leaders among sectors of the economy in terms of profit. Also, developer revenues are growing at a faster rate and this trend is likely to continue for years to come.
  • Career prospects. The head of the IT department of a large corporation is a very prestigious position, but far from the limit in the professional development of a programmer.

Cons of the specialty

The first and main disadvantage of the profession is the need for constant training. The information industry is characterized by high volatility and rapid change. It is impossible to work as a programmer even for two or three years without regular replenishment of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

A significant disadvantage is the sedentary nature of the activity, moreover, in constant contact with the computer, which causes a corresponding eye strain. Therefore, in order to maintain health for a long time, it is necessary to maintain an active lifestyle, a significant physical load, and follow other similar recommendations. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to avoid negative consequences for the body.

wage level

The programmer’s salary is determined individually. In general, in the IT industry, it is quite high and noticeably higher than the average for the economy. But in order to receive a serious income, it is required not only to clearly fulfill labor responsibilities. It is important to have high-quality basic training and constantly dedicate yourself to learning new things.

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